Kylisha Mcclattie

Augusta, Georgia

I never really believed in a super hero or magic but i do know there’s a such thing as angels and just pure blessings. Six years ago i met all of the above when i walked into Dr Mullins’s clinic. I was sick…didn’t really know what was wrong until he diagnosed me with Hidradenitis Supprativa!! Didn’t really know how my life would forever be changed that day. Dr Mullins reassures me that i would be ok and he would make sure of that!! Surgery after surgery…tear after tear….Dr Mullins kept his word…he made sure i was ok each and every time. Unfortunately couldn’t heal me, it’s an incurable disease; however, he did the best he could in patching this broken body. On June 14, my heart literally broke into pieces. Someone so great…someone so kind was gone!! My super hero….so now what?? I haven’t been to the clinic since, don’t really know if i can. I’m forever grateful for Dr Mullins, he was way more than my dr. He was truly God sent!!